Life, Death, Near Death and Beyond with Pim Van Lommel
Friday, May 26, 2017 from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm PDT
401 Sycamore Avenue
Mill Valley, CA 94941
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Dr. Pim Van Lommel, MD, is a world-renowned cardiologist and medical expert on Near-Death experiences. For more than twenty-five years he worked as a cardiologist at an eight-hundred-bed teaching hospital in the Netherlands where he began studying Near-Death experiences in patients who survived cardiac arrest. In addition to his sensational study published in the distinguished British medical journal The Lancet, van Lommel has authored chapters in several books about Near-Death experiences, and written books, including Conscousness Beyond Life: the Science of the Near-Death Experience, and also published many articles about the subject.
Over the past several years, van Lommel has been lecturing all over the world on Near-Death experiences and the relationship between consciousness and brain function. In 2005, he was granted the Bruce Greyson Research Award on behalf of the International Association of Near-Death Studies. In 2006 the president of India awarded him the lifetime achievement award at the World Congress on Clinical and Preventitive Cardiology in New Delhi. Visit the author online at
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