Life, Death, Near Death and Beyond featuring Gail Raborn

Life, Death, Near Death and Beyond featuring Gail Raborn

Friday, October 4   
7:30 to 9:30 pm
Gail Raborn 
Sunrise Center
“Finding My Karmic Purpose Through Miraculous Rescues from Death”
Gail Raborn, CHT, has been talking to Angels since a suicide attempt in 1971 was aborted by a miraculous rescue. Running through a cloudburst towards her VW bug, she slipped and fell in front of a huge truck. Time slowed down while she watched huge truck tires approach her head. Suddenly, a powerful force swooped beneath her and she was literally lifted high in the air, out of the path of a huge truck, and flung to the side of the street to land safely on her car hood. A major spiritual wake up call, she was guided into holistic healing through this experience.
In 1976, a second Rebirth bean when a Spirit Being garbed in sparkling colored light awoke her while she was sleeping in an attic bedroom in London. After hours of teaching her about karmic laws, and showing her visions of a dismal future of crippling illness if she traveled to India (as she had been planning), he advised her go to Amsterdam. He said, “By healing others you’ll et the healing you need.”
The many miracles Gail has experienced, through repeated Angelic rescues from death, taught Gail that Divine Spirit is real, that there is life after death, and that we all have Angels, messengers of Spirit, who watch out for us, even when we’re not aware of this.