Label GMOs

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — In victory rallies across state on May 2, 2012, supporters celebrated as the California Right to Know campaign filed 971,126 signatures for the state’s first-ever ballot initiative to require labeling of genetically engineered foods. The huge signature haul, gathered in a 10-week period, is nearly double the 555,236 signatures the campaign needs to qualify for the November ballot.

If passed this November, Californians will join citizens of over 40 countries including all of Europe, Japan and even China who have the right to know whether they are eating genetically engineered food.

Label GMO activists Pamm Larry and Lori Grace at Earth Day & Label GMO activist Lori Grace at New Living Expo

Below are short videos and full-length films on the risks of GMO farming as it relates to the environment and to our health.

You can also learn more by visiting the following websites: (Millions Against Monsanto Page) (with a GMO-free shopper’s guide)

The World According to Monsanto – Full Length Film

Stop Monsanto From Poisoning Hawai’i: Genetic Engineering Chemical Warfare

Islands at Risk (Part 1) – Genetic Engineering in Hawai’i

How GMO foods alter organ function and pose a very real health threat to humans

FDA Deletes 1 Million Signatures for GMO Labeling Campaign – FDA slave to Monsanto

Don Huber Interview – Roundup Ready GMOs – PATHOGEN NEW TO SCIENCE

Scientists Under Attack FULL Documentary GMO

Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Huber about GMO (Part 1 of 2)

Dr. Don Huber, 2012 Calcium Products Soil Conference – Round-Up Ready, Glyphosate & mineral depletion