Protecting Our Elections Update

Bob Fitrakis, Cliff Arnebeck and Lori Grace

7:30-10:00 pm, Wednesday May 25, and Friday May 27, 2016, (video above is of Friday’s presentation)

Sunrise Center, 645 Tamalpais, Corte Madera, CA

A Summary of the Evening of May 27th: This evening covered the issues we are all facing as voters in the 2016 election. Lori Grace, on behalf of the Institute for American Democracy and Election Integrity (, presented Bob Fitrakis, PhD, JD, and Cliff Arnebeck, JD, two election lawyers she has worked with since 2004. They talked about past challenges to election integrity in our presidential elections, the challenges we face in the current presidential election, and the opportunities we have as voters to create a more honest election.

They showed videos from past presidential elections that point to the problems from those years and discussed what was done about those problems at that time. Then they discussed what problems exist for the upcoming election and what can be done to address them. Overall, our best protection to have a trustworthy election is to be an informed public that will demand more public oversight of elections and exit polling and to have the patience and persistence to deal with a system that currently does not give us the reliability and transparency we need.

A Look at the Upcoming 2016 Election: 2016 is, of course, a presidential election year and problems with voting in the primary elections have already been showing up. Not a good sign for the general election!

In watching the video above, you will learn Learn why the integrity of this November’s election may be of serious concern. Here in the United States, all of our votes are counted by private corporations with proprietary software which they do not want people to examine if there is a problem with the election. These problems could include unwarranted purging of voters, apparent flipping of votes, disappearing of a candidate(s) while voting and disappearing of votes. An examination of Scytl/SOE and ES&S, two vote-counting companies, shows many negative reviews regarding their management of elections. (You can read numerous such reviews by doing a web search for the company name and “reviews.”) In addition, some people may have concerns that companies like Scytl/SOE and ES&S which managed the votes in Kentucky, New York and Arizona, have directors who are also on the boards of other companies involved in wire-tapping, the defense industry and military interrogations. Additional concerns are that some American votes may actually be counted in Toronto, Canada and in Barcelona, Spain.

Still another hurdle also exists when election results appear to be inaccurate and that is at least in California, the election must be certified before ballots can be inspected. That takes in California thirty days so by the time, the apparent winner has already proclaimed and celebrated his or her victory- a difficult situation to reverse or re-examine.

With more states’ primary elections coming up on June 7th, including one in California, which is a potentially decisive state for the two Democratic candidates, The Institute for American Democracy and Election Integrity is concerned that The Media Consortium has cancelled all remaining exit polls for the remaining primaries. Thus, the Institute, a division of Sunrise Center,a nonprofit registered in California, is calling for an exit poll to be held on election day. All raw data will be released immediately for inspection. If an exit poll is funded by a nonprofit, contributions to the exit poll are tax-deductible. Results will give people true knowledge about whether questionable results have occurred in the election. Then audits would be much easier to organize. Happily, California is mostly a paper ballot state. Additionally, a new kind of audit is being launched by Democracy Counts. This will occur on Election Day as well.

Concern has been expressed that the exit polls of the Democratic Primaries for this year, when compared to electronic voting machine totals, seem to show a pattern that might suggest that the electronic vote totals in about ten states may have been shifted from apparently votes from Sanders to Clinton.. In contrast to other nations, exit polls used currently by the Federal Government to assess election fraud in other countries are adjusted continuously on election day to match electronic voting machine totals, rather than to determine whether the electronic vote is accurate. Edison Research which has done all the prior exit polls in this primary has refused to release the raw data, as it has routinely refused since 2004. A lawsuit is being submitted in Ohio about the refusal of both the Media Consortium and Edison Research to release the raw data which would show much more accurately who people really voted for.


A 2006 video of security expert, Stephen Spoonamore, talks about the importance of exit polls and how exit polls show very different results from electronic voting machine data in the US than in other countries. Below is a 2016 dialogue with the Chicago Board of Elections about manual tally workers changing total votes for Sanders into Clinton votes to match the electronic voting machine totals. The staff doing the manual county were pressured by their employers who are part of the the Chicago Board of Elections to make their hand counted totals match the machine totals. This video also shows the kind of defensive behavior that Boards of elections frequently demonstrate even when politely challenged.

If you want to see the full hearing, start at minute 27. The article will also summarize the whole story. Click to learn more.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Although we have taken note of the shift here from Sanders to Clinton, we are NOT in any way stating who has done the shifting. WE DO NOT KNOW WHO HAS DONE THE SHIFTING OF THE ELECTRONIC VOTE TOTALS. This situation has galvanized three organizations, The Institute for American Democracy and Election Integrity (ADE) , the Columbus Institute of Contemporary Journalism, and Democracy Counts to set up our own exit polls and audits to track apparent election results in California.

Richard Charnin, a mathematician and statistician and author of the book, Matrix of Deceit, has been reporting on the apparent shifting of electronic vote totals and the non-release of raw data from Edison since 2004. Richard Charnin, well-known for what he calls the “Red Shift” which has been a shift between exit polls and electronic vote total differences of about 4-5% each year. This constitutes a shift to the political right. Although he is unable to analyze the raw data, he has been able to get screen shots of what the exit polls showed minutes before all of the electronic votes have been totaled since 2004. In 2004, when Edison Research initially got exit poll data that said that Kerry was winning and Bush was losing at 9pm on election night and that the reverse was true shortly after midnight, Edison Research made a choice to “adjust” the raw data after that time so that it would match the electronic voting machine totals. Edison Research definitely wanted to keep being hired by the Media Consortium which proposes to tell viewers the true election results but which also chooses to trust electronic voting machine data. That was the last time that the American public has been able to see raw exit poll data.

Unfortunately this year, substantial exit poll differences have been noted in the US primary. In this year’s primary, the Red Shift appears to have become the “Clinton Shift”. See the data below.

trust vote
exit poll 2
As computer security expert Stephen Spoonamore notes in the video above, when exit poll data varies more than 2% from electronic vote totals, the electronic vote totals are questionnable. If fact, 2% is used as the boundary by the US government when determining that the election in another country other than the US has possibly been stolen. Please note the exit poll differences up above that are more than 2%. These differences point to questionable results for the electronic vote totals.

For whatever reason, the Media Consortium and Edison Research have decided to cancel the exit polls for the remaining 2016 primaries. Some suspect these exit polls have been canceled because these exit poll differences have become suspect. Others believe it is because the Media Consortium has viewed these primaries as unimportant with respect to the final results of the primaries for the presidential candidates. Thus the remaining primary elections will not have the larger exit polls to reflect on the accuracy of the electronic vote totals. Although Edison usually receives money from The Media Consortium for conducting primaries exit polling, it will receive much more during the November election, so canceling it is not that great a financial hardship for Edison Research. Maintaining the trust of the American people and The Media Consortium is more important to their company’s financial picture. So, stopping still more questionable exit poll differences is helpful to maintain the trust of the American people in Edison Research and the Media Consortium.

The trouble is that the trust of the American people this year has not been won by Edison Research and the Media Consortium by choosing the cancel the exit polls that appear to show a repeated shift from Sanders to Clinton. The Institute of American Democracy and Election Integrity, The Institute of Contemporary Journalism and Democracy Counts see an opportunity at this time to initiate exit polls and election audits in select locations in California where Sanders has done much campaigning to attempt to give a perspective on the accuracy of the electronic vote totals and to help educate citizens about election integrity.

If you share a concern about the verity of the electronic voting machines and if you would like to help contribute to a more transparent election here in California, you may support the exit poll or the election audit sponsored by the Institute together with Election Justice USA and Democracy Counts. by contributing financially or even volunteering your time on June 7th. If you choose to volunteer, you will get a great introduction into the whole field of election integrity. Our letting The Media Consortium and Edison Research know that there will still be an exit poll and election audit could also be a deterrent to vote manipulation. AND PLEASE NOTE AGAIN we are not saying here that they are altering these election results.

On a more personal note,if nothing else, be sure to take a printed copy of your registration to the polling location if you are not a permanent absentee voter. If you are, and your ballot came in the mail, check your ballot ahead of time to be sure it accurately represents the party in which you are registered, which allows you to vote for the candidate of your choice. If you are NPP, (no party preference) and you want to vote for a presidential candidate, ask for a Democratic or a Republican conversion ballot so that you may vote for a presidential candidate. Do everything possible to not vote provisionally as these are usually counted, if at all, after the election is called. We also recommend physically taking your ballot to the polling location, rather than mailing it, so there is no chance that it gets lost in the mail.

Other things you can do include becoming a poll observer with a modest amount of training. Manipulation of the vote can frequently be minimized when there are people watching the process. Becoming a poll worker is an even bigger step. If you happen to be voting on an electronic voting machine without a paper trail, take a video or snapshot of the screen if you see it was flipped to the opposing candidate or if your candidate of choice fades away on the screen.

Democracy Counts and Press Release

Democracy Counts!
1339 W. Pennsylvania Avenue
San Diego, CA 92103


Independent Citizen’s Election Audit to Be Conducted in Select Precincts in California on June 7th.
San Diego, CA/USA — June 1, 2016: Using an innovative smartphone app and professional non-partisan audit processes, Democracy Counts!, a California nonprofit organization, will conduct a pilot citizen audit of the June 7 California primary. For the first time it will be possible to verify the official results of an election in real time. If evidence of fraud is uncovered, it may be used to challenge the results in court.
The audit will be performed by volunteer auditors in select precincts in the Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay areas. Much like an exit poll, voters exiting their polling places will be approached by the auditors, but instead of being asked who they voted for inside, they will be asked to “vote again” for President in the robust, verifiable voting software developed by Democracy Counts! In the event that their data points to the possibility of illegal vote manipulation, Democracy Counts! will make such evidence available to the potentially injured candidate(s) for immediate legal challenges.
America’s patchwork of weak and vulnerable vote-counting machinery, including our notorious paperless touch-screen systems, have inspired widespread belief that elections in America are being rigged. The lack of verifiability contributes directly to this belief, which undermines confidence in America’s voting processes in general. Democracy Counts! audits are designed to provide the direct evidence required to precipitate thorough investigations, which should either restore confidence or result in corrections.
Founder Daniel Wolf is a Fulbright Scholar and entrepreneur who wrote one of the world’s first manuals on election observation while a student at Harvard Law School. “Had such an audit been available sixteen years ago,” he noted, “the country might have been spared the ‘hanging chad’ agony in Florida in ‘00 that led to the controversial involvement of the Supreme Court. Had it been available in ’04 we might have been spared the deepening cynicism provoked by allegations of fraud in Ohio.”
Without independent verification of official results, the truth is unknowable. The mission of Democracy Counts! is to make the truth knowable, and to restore confidence in American elections. This small-scale pilot will test the audit processes and software in advance of its nationwide launch for the November presidential election.
The significance of the audit system is clear: It will provide the American people an unprecedented opportunity to put the entire American election system under scrutiny, will provide them a way to take effective action that they have never before possessed, and may result in challenges to hundreds of elections around the country—even up to and including the Presidential race.
The DemocracyCounts! Citizens Audit is being conducted with the support of The Institute for American Democracy and Election Integrity (, the Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism (, and Election Justice USA (
Those wishing to learn more about how Democracy Counts! audit system works, or how to volunteer their energy in the primary or in November, may visit the website of Democracy Counts! ( People wishing to make donations to Democracy Counts! are invited to go to the Donate page on the website of the Institute of Democracy and Election Integrity (

Elections are momentous events in a nation’s civic and political life. In… countries around the world, [people]… make their voices heard through the extraordinary power of the vote. [It is essential] that elected officials are accountable to citizens.
Neil Levine, Director Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights & Governance

Lead media contact:
Lori Grace
The Institute for American Democracy and Election Integrity
Cell (415) 847-5950; Office (415) 435-2583
For questions regarding exit polling and election integrity:
Robert Fitrakis
Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism
Office 614.374-2380

Risks to Clean Water, Health and Fire Safety in Marin

Risks to Clean Water, Health and Fire Safety in Marin County
Sunday October 26, 2014 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM PDT

Learn of the dangers of a possible future use of Roundup-like herbicides to control fire risk in the MMWD. This would increase fire and mudslide risk and have a damaging effect on human, animal and native plant health in Marin. Learn what you can do to oppose this choice and to be involved in the implementation of environmentally-safe alternatives.
First Presbyterian Church

Lori Grace, MA has been studying and has presented actively with international glyphosate recovery experts Don Huber PhD and Bill Streit for the last three years on the dangers of glyphosate, the chief ingredient in Aquamaster (Roundup) and other herbicides.