I am very excited to share with you my body-centered approach to Compassionate Communication also known as Nonviolent Communication or NVC.
NVC was developed by Marshall Rosenberg, and has been used by people all over the world to create greater harmony and understanding in their lives. I developed this body centered approach to NVC so that I could utilize NVC even more effectively in my own life. I have also used it in my work with couples and singles and have taught it in a number of workshops. And now I would love to share it with you!
As you may know, Compassionate Communication or NVC embodies skills that enable us to listen and speak from our heart, without judgment or evaluation. The underlying intention is to truly connect — with ourself and with another.
Being relaxed and grounded when in challenging situations can enhance self-empathy and, in so doing, can create greater self-understanding and personal change. Just as importantly, being grounded during a challenging conversation, can also help you to create greater empathy for, and a stronger connection with, the other person.
I think that we all know that when we feel centered, we can often express ourselves in ways that are easier for another person to hear. Something that not everyone knows is that the physical state we are in can also affect how we interpret what another is saying to us. So, when we are relaxed and centered, we might more easily empathize with another.
In this class, we will practice ways of learning more about what happens in our bodies unconsciously when we are upset, frightened or sad. Then, we will see how our perceptions are affected by what’s occurring physically. We will practice ways to get centered and discover what then happens to our perceptions and to our ability to empathize with another. Finally, we will work with a partner in a more difficult role-play.
I am inviting you to join me now my upcoming class. I believe that what you will discover and learn will be both fascinating and easy to integrate.